We are the Corryong Community Recovery Committee. Find out more about our committee and what we hope to achieve below.

Our vision

Corryong is a welcoming, friendly, and caring community. Our residents feel safe, secure, supported and ready to meet the challenges that living in a fire prone environment brings.

We feel connected to one another. We all (young and not-so-young) feel included, empowered and valued and hence contribute to our community. We feel confident that the support and services we need are reliable and accessible.

Our businesses (including agriculture) are stronger than ever and are joined by new enterprises and innovative ideas. We are comfortable sharing conversations about our local Aboriginal history and culture. Our landscape is recovering, and we are proud that we live in the beautiful Upper Murray.

Our mission

To ensure Corryong community members, groups and organisations have access to the information and resources they need to implement local recovery activities and programs that will create a safe, healthy and resilient community.

Our progress

  • We initiated our Recovery Committee in October with 11 initial members
  • We have adopted our Terms of Reference
  • We have participated in workshops to refine our vision and mission. These will assist in further defining and planning our priority focus areas
  • We have formed a communications group, started a Facebook page, adopted a logo and produce our first community newsletter
  • Our Chair has met with other CRC chairs to share ideas, challenges and support of one another
  • We have completed a significant community survey to assist us in ascertaining community priorities for recovery
  • We have actively supported the development of a local fire prevention program based on the Fire Foxes model. A number of CRC members attended these fire preparedness sessions
  • We have received presentations regarding fire preparedness issues and Council responsibilities from Towong Shire Council’s Director of Community and Planning and Emergency Management Coordinator. We have discussed the community concerns regarding fire preparedness issues with these representatives
  • Our Chair has participated in a fire debrief pre-planning session to ensure the concerns of our community are embedded in the upcoming community sessions
  • We have worked closely with Towong Shire Council and Bushfire Recovery Victoria to identify resources and other supports necessary to enable the implementation of priority projects
  • We have met with Major General Andrew Hocking, Deputy Coordinator Engagement and Operations, National Bushfire Recovery Agency
  • We have communicated with community organisations regarding the process of applying for grants. We have written a number of letters of support for grant applications, including some applications for the Bushfire Recovery Victoria Local Economic Recovery Fund
  • We have publicised and supported a number of recovery activities which address mental health such as fire prevention workshops, the Corryong Christmas Market, “Are you Bogged Mate?” and a community variety concert/Sikh dinner

Our recovery priorities

With much time having passed since Black Summer, our top 5 priorities for the recovery of the Corryong Community remain the same.

  • Support community groups to organise and present events and gatherings– including the development, implementation and distribution of a community calendar
  • Advocate for community recovery needs.
  • Advocate for the development of the primary school site. You can visit the Old Corryong Primary School Project Page here for updates on the status of the site's redevelopment.
  • Advocate for the development of industry and business opportunities.
  • Advocate for the development of tourism opportunities and attractions.

Our committee

Cathy Ross (Chair)

  • The Man from Snowy River Tourist Association, Upper Murray Economic Working Group, Corryong Wetlands Project, Playle’s Hill Project, Corryong Visitor Information Centre, Corryong Garden Group, Upper Murray Farm Tree Group, Friends of Murray Mountain Parks, The Athenaeum Art Project

Amanda Meagher (Deputy Chair)

  • Corryong FoodShare

Sheril Wilson (Treasurer)

  • Corryong Memorial Hall, The Man from Snowy River Tourist Association, Corryong Red Cross, Corryong Badminton, The Athenaeum Art Project

Mark Collins (Communications)

  • Corryong Courier Newspaper, Upper Murray Business Inc., Corryong Sporting Complex, Corryong Golf Club

Carol Allen

  • Corryong FoodShare, Ambassadors of Jesus Church, Community Health Advisory Group

Maurie Foun

  • Corryong Men’s Shed, Community Health Alliance Group, The Man from Snowy River Tourist Association, Playle’s Hill Project, Upper Murray Poets, The Athenaeum Art Project

Alison (Chic) Hewatt

  • Corryong Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, Corryong Show Society. The Man from Snowy River Bush Festival Committee

Ros McKenzie

  • The Man from Snowy River Tourist Association, Corryong Lions Club, Youth Club Hall, Corryong Visitor Information Centre

Thea Newton

  • Corryong Neighbourhood Centre, Corryong Craft Shop, Corryong Red Cross, Hospital Auxiliary, Community Health Alliance Group, Upper Murray Farmers & Craft Market, Corryong Indoor Bowls, Playle’s Hill Project, Corryong Garden Group

Karen Paton

  • Corryong Lions Club, Corryong Tennis Club, Youth Club Hall

Warwick Ross

  • Corryong CFA, Playle’s Hill Project, Upper Murray Farm Tree group, Friends of Murray Mountain Parks

Brenda Whitehead

  • Corryong Football Netball Club, Upper Murray Tennis Association, Corryong College, Corryong Basketball

What's Happening in Corryong